We are a mainstream Primary and Nursery school which welcomes children with special educational needs and disabilities. We uphold an inclusive admissions policy which is built on a whole community approach to special needs where staff, governors, parents and support services work together as a team co-operating, collaborating, and co-ordinating in all that they do so that it produces the best possible education for all children.

We aim to provide an environment in the school where all children can access a broad and balanced education and achieve their full potential. We ensure that pupils are given the appropriate learning opportunities and that a range of provisions are put in place to engage pupils in a full range of activities and to overcome barriers to their learning.

We ensure that all pupils are fully integrated in the school community and engage in school activities and that provision is adapted so that children with SEND are not at a disadvantage compared to other pupils. We also have an Accessibility Policy that sets out how we ensure that children with disabilities have access to the whole curriculum and educational offer at Windmill.

The teaching and learning requirements of all children with SEND is primarily the responsibility of the class teacher. Class teachers are supported by the SENCo to ensure that the provision is adapted for children with SEND.

We aim for early identification of any special educational needs and disabilities, and this process starts from the first day children enter our school. If a child is attaining lower than age related expectations or progress is slower than expected/usual for the child, but it is felt that the child doesn’t have any specific needs, then appropriate intervention is planned for within the classroom and are recorded in our intervention records.


Our SENCOs are: Miss K Aggus and Miss L Hazelhurst

Supporting Parents

If parents or guardians have a worry or concern about their child’s learning, emotional well-being or social interaction, they should contact a member of staff to discuss these further (this would normally be the child’s class teacher in the first instance). Where there is a need, that cannot be accessed within or by school, advice and sign posting can be given to agencies and services, who will be able to provide support.

We ask that parents support school by communicating any difficulties that their child/ren may be experiencing.

Please feel welcome to drop into school or make contact via the school office on 0115 915 0195.

Please read the following documents for further information:

Additional Information for SEND and Inclusion: