At Windmill, staff wellbeing is a priority. We believe that we are all able to fulfil our roles better if we have a sense of belonging, are well supported, well informed through effective communication systems and have a good work-life balance.
Wellbeing of staff does not need to compromise high expectations and standards, in fact it does the opposite, by looking after our staff, we are more able to fulfil our roles and this in turn impacts positively on the education we provide for our children.
Every year, we conduct a workload review to evaluate how we spend our time and ensure that the tasks we are prioritising are having the maximum impact on children’s education. For example, our marking policy is reviewed every year to check that it is manageable and focuses on ensuring children make progress, as well as keeping up-to-date with the latest best practice research.
Additionally, we implement resources and systems that support staff in providing high quality education whilst also managing workload. For example, the school provides detailed long and medium term planning, not only to ensure that there is consistency and progression throughout, but so that teachers can spend their time planning the delivery of their lessons, rather than spending hours planning the content of their lessons.
Our coaching culture supports wellbeing because it empowers people to take responsibility and ownership of their professional development; having that control leads to a greater sense of wellbeing.
One of the most well-known models of an individual’s health is Seligman’s PERMA model, which captures the five domains that have a positive effect on wellbeing outcomes: positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning and accomplishment. These are embedded in our values at Windmill and in how we recognise each other’s achievements such as in Marvel of the Month.
At Windmill, we also love social events such as our weekly staff basketball sessions, staff breakfasts for each phase and end of term fuddles and treats. Our wonderful kitchen team even provide snacks for our CPD sessions.
Our latest Investors in People assessment in February 2023 highlighted that staff felt supported in their wellbeing and in our last staff survey (March 2023) 100% of staff said that they enjoy working at Windmill.
As part of L.E.A.D. we have access to 24 hour mental health support for ourselves and our immediate family through the Employee Assistance programme (EAP) , along with access to an online GP service.
To further support with wellbeing, we have created a booklet, which draws on research and strategies about how to look after your own wellbeing; this was created after taking part in a wellbeing training session, with Ted Bradshaw.